Hello All,
I recently purchased a D54250WYK and have since updated the BIOS to the 0025 (currently latest) version. I also purchased an EVGA displayport hub (200-DP-1301-L1) and a 1.2 DP cable (BYTECC DPR-06) going from the NUC to the DP hub. I am running Trusty Tahr (14.04)
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty
I have two DELL U2412M monitors connected to the EVGA DP hub, but only one monitor seems to be recognized (both monitors are at 1920 x 1200). So my display is cloned instead of being two different displays (for extended desktop). I understand there is a driver project at 01.org (Downloads | Linux Graphics), but I also just installed Trusty Tahr and I just would imagine that this is a basic functionality level. I have previously contacted EVGA (when I initially had this issue on another PC, that apparently doesn't support the 1.2 spec for multistream) and they suggested a video card or driver issue (at the time, the video card ended up being the issue).
So I guess my question is has anyone else had luck with a similar setup, or do I have to downgrade to Saucy Salamander and try again? Is there anything that I'm obviously missing here?
Thanks in advance.