So, I finally desired to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on my NUC DN2820. And I put on Fast Boot in BIOS, and my Logitech K360 and M705 has a little problem, the NUC won`t detect the what I do.
I`m using Solaar btw.
I posted a question in and they told me to access BIOS, this is what he told me to do:
As there are no specific settings in your power management directory for Logitech keyboard and mouse, there is only one thing you can do: turn off all power management settings instead of just the power management settings for Logitech!
Now it should work from much further away...
I typed the command in terminal and it worked for like, 3-4 hours, and now it don`t work.
Do anyone here know how I can access BIOS and disable fast boot?
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