I'm trying to come up with a Linux disk image that I can duplicate onto multiple disks and put into DN2820FYKHs.
Unfortunately when I swap a disk with the first stage of an Ubuntu 14.04 install into another chassis I get the message
"Reboot and Select proper Boot device.
or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a Key"
which is the same message I get with a blank disk. It boots successfully in the chassis that the install was done on.
Both chassis' are the same, 0047 BIOS, although on was shipped with 0015 and the other was shipped with 0032.
It seems like something about the chassis must be stored in the boot image, or something about the boot image must be stored in the chassis.
I did a hex dump of the boot images and can't find the chassis UUID in it. The only significant differences up to the first partition are the UUID/GUIDs and the CRCs that wrap them.
It looks like UEFI is choosing to not boot from the disk. Is it possible to get debugging output from UEFI that will tell me what it thinks is wrong?
Has anyone else seen this problem?