I installed the Samsung m2.SSD model # MZ-N5E250BW in a new NUC5i5RYH. It is my only installed drive. It was recognized by the BIOS and I installed Windows 10 from a USB drive. When the OS install was finished it asked for a restart and the NUC would not boot, trying to boot from the network. I disabled booting from the network and checked the boot options. The UEFI boot showed no available boot devices so I unchecked UEFI boot and checked Legacy boot where the Samsung SSD showed. Upon saving the new options, the NUC was not able to find the SSD as a boot device. I did an F7 update to the latest BIOS version 350, an F9 reset to factory defaults, and repeated the legacy boot setup. This still resulted in the same failure. I have emailed Samsung support asking if this is a known incompatibility. Is this a known incompatibility from the Intel side, have I done something wrong, missed some setup tasks, or did I get a bad sample of the NUC or SSD?