It seems that I can no longer update any of my NUC6i3SYK units display drivers. Keep getting the following message:
"This installation package is not supported by this processor type"
I've manually downloaded the drivers, I've installed and tried via Intel's auto downloader/installer tool. It also sees the same updated driver available. It downloads and attempts to install with the same message after failing.
I just updated these units about a month or two ago with this version: The downloaded package was: gfx_win10_64_15.47.2.4815
This seemed to have fixed some blue screen issues with units running in vertical mode or as a 1x2 collage mode. Still a bit early to say for sure but so far so good. Anyways, refreshing the images with latest drivers and for whatever reason, I can no longer install the latest display driver. From what I can see, there's been two or three driver updates since I first grabbed 4815.
Any help would be great. Just getting concerned that any unknown bugs that might be included with what I have now, might be patched already or in future updates that I may not be able to install. I've also attached the contents of a fresh install log file.
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB
OS Version: 10.0.10240 N/A Build 10240
Current GPU Driver:
Hardware: NUC6i3SYK
Intel HD Graphics 520
Vendor ID: 8086
Device ID: 1916
[INF Info]
INF = C:\Users\cdcadmin\Downloads\GFX_WIN10_64_15.60.0.4849\Graphics\igdlh64.inf
* Section <PackageInfo> Key <Sequence> not found in INF
Date = 10/27/2017
Version =
ClassGUID = {4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
PackageInfo.Name = Graphics
PackageInfo.Sequence = 0
Manufacturer = IntelGfx,NTamd64.10.0...14393
Resolved Manufacturer = IntelGfx
! Error locating a device section. Skipping inf
! OS mismatch
IIF will NOT initiate reboot
Exit code = 0xA041
ResultCode = 41025